What our clients say
"I highly recommend her due to her strong ability to help you become a healthier person both physically and mentally."
"Hi Christina, I am so pleased that I found you as my therapist. I have been to a fair number of therapists over the years and all of them involved a lot of talking and nodding heads in agreement with what I was saying. I really didn’t know what to expect from a session with you but after the very first one, I realised that this is much more constructive than just talking.
You took me on a journey through my timeline and I saw myself as I was hundreds of years ago in past lives. I cannot forget the images I have seen on those journeys and I often think about them when I meditate (occasionally) on my own. I feel that you really understood me and all my traumas.
After just 5 sessions, I felt like a different person and you also taught me to love myself even with all my oddities and issues. This in turn has helped me get over some of them and I’m so pleased to let you know that my life has improved since. I now take the little daily tasks that I do as achievements and feel much better on a day to day basis. Very much looking forward to continuing this journey with you. Thanks again."
Claudia T.
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help, patience, desire to help me and availability. After the hours we spent, I suddenly felt the need to vacuum and tidy the house, to video chat with my parents - something I've only done rarely - then started reading the book I bought. I am very well, incomparably well to how I was. Thank you so much, it's great to have you as my therapist, after years of trying so much to get better. You're an angel "
"Hi Cristina, what you did, it worked indeed :) my sub-conscious worked actively during my sleep and I woke the next morning with the thoughts to send another long explanation to the bookkeeper. He replied quickly with an even longer message about "bla bla" and he asked me if I wanted him to call my accountant in London. But anyway his reply gave me confidence that I will get my receipts back. We exchanged more messages, wasting time, but finally he agreed I can collect the receipts this evening, horray 🙏"
"These sessions are really powerful, they got me straight to the root problem and released the emotions I was carrying from the event in only 2 sessions. I will want to work on other issues now, I feel I finally found the key."
"The second visit to see Christina was to be hypnotized in trying to forget my previous relationship as I was dreaming about him and it was too frequently hindering my day to day activities. I felt an instant shift after and stopped dreaming about him."
''Dear Christina,
I am happy to say that my life is in such a good place right now, in ways I wouldn't have thought possible a couple of months ago, and I owe it all to you.
I am not having anymore of the bad dreams I was having before, I don't feel the negative emotions that I was feeling in regards to this situation and my relationship with my wife has significantly improved.
I did not expect for things to turn around so quickly but I've seen such transformation through our sessions. Our sessions were very intense and there was a lot of heaviness that we processed but now I feel great with my life and I have you to thank for that. Honestly I think you are amazing.
Even though I don't feel anything negative anymore, I would like to continue sometime in the future with you just because I feel I have benefited so much from your sessions. Perhaps explore some positive memories and integrate those within myself. Thank you again for everything and I will contact you soon, in a couple of months, for a check in.''
Alex P.
"Cristina, I really want to thank you for the work we've done last summer.
I had the fortune to find Cristina and her Past Life Regression work. We worked on attracting my Twin Flame and on healing my sugar addiction. During the session, I was shown a previous life where I was united with my twin flame and I had the chance to talk to them. They said that in every life I will have the twin flame experience. Also I got to a place where I was shown what I had to do to get off the sugar.
Cristina is very talented and was able to conduct healing and inspiring sessions. Her work has brought more happiness into my life. Now I am off sugar and I have attracted someone who is a potential twin flame. I recommend her to anyone who is willing to dig into the past to heal their present and create a brighter future."
"Cristina, I can't thank you enough for all your guidance, patience, empathy and precious tools that you gave me in order to sort out my life. I feel so free now, liberated. It's like I feel alive again, truly alive...I love, I trust, I smile and I am looking forward to every new day to make magic happen! Many blessings to you."
"It's amazing how our early life events impact on us. I did not expect to see some of the memories I have seen today but I suppose my mind knows exactly what I had to see and understand. It really shifted the perspective for me and I feel the issue as being less strong. I look forward to clearing it all completely from my subconscious."
"I did a couple of past life regression sessions with Cristina via Skype to explore blockages for my Twin Flame connection. During the sessions I connected to my spirit guides who helped me gain clarity on my situation and to understand what is blocking the connection. I was also able to work on those blockages and release them. I highly recommend Cristina and her past life regression work. I am looking forward to out next session."
"Cristina has guided me through letting go of two beliefs:
1- that I cannot be happy in love and
2- that if I do my daily chores and organise my life I will end up only doing chores, I will have no freedom and never be happy. I felt a huge energetic resistance in my efforts to do basic things and I sometimes felt sick when dealing with my business affairs. This was a huge problem for me!
However, it is like a miracle for me, in only one or two sessions both of these strong binding beliefs are now gone. Their energetic hold on me is completely gone and I now believe I will have a fruitful and loving life.
In addition I am enjoying doing the things that are making part of that life. This is my life now, I am getting food for home cooking, getting repairs done on the old house. People I meet randomly stop and talk to me. It is just amazing and I am enjoying it! Thank you so much Cristina 🌞🍁🙏"
"I met Christina several years ago at her Flower of Life seminar and was completely blown away. I learned so much, many of my questions were answered. Since then, I've had several counselling sessions with her and recently two hypnosis sessions where we cleared some negative patterns from my timelines. I feel comfortable turning to her when faced with challenges and she has always had time to guide and support me. "
"Cristina, thanks so much for your help and support with the hypnosis sessions - I really enjoyed and benefited from my time with you. Please feel free to use my testimonial for the work we've done:
Cristina is a very beautiful, Intuitive, sensitive, humble soul. I saw her for 6 sessions , I was suffering from social anxiety and low moods in general for years. I practice mindfulness daily but these issues would just not go away. To complement the sessions, she also advised me to do some grounding exercises and would always call me back on the phone if I had a question for her.
My social anxiety has disappeared and I have a different energy now. I would recommend her -she is the real deal- I have already recommended her to 3 of my friends."
"Cristina, you have such special gifts to help those who are ready to find their true selves. I feel as if I am still on this most amazing journey and I want to thank you for being part of it."
"Hi Cristina, I want to thank you for the help you offered me, I've finally managed to release the past. The regression really helped me and, a few days later, I met someone I'm very happy with. Thank you and I hope to see you again soon!"
"It's amazing how our early life events impact on us. I did not expect to see some of the memories I have seen today but I suppose my mind knows exactly what I had to see and understand. It really shifted the perspective for me and I feel the issue as being less strong. I look forward to clearing it all completely from my subconscious."
"Cristina's counselling sessions make me feel safe and comfortable to open up about my problems and she always listens with great empathy. She is always caring and helps me see things from a different angle and get out of my own head. I also like the tools she recommends, I feel I have made great progress since starting therapy with her."
"Dear Christina, I'd like to thank you for your guidance and kindness when I was at a very low place in my life. I have come away with hope and a sense of purpose about how to move forward. I'm happy to say my life is in a much better place and with the skills Christina talked me through I've found an inner peace.''
"Cristina, I worked with so many therapists throughout my life. I am 62 and I have tried so many different approaches to healing from trauma, as you know. I bought books, went to healers, went to different circles, did trainings.
When I came across your work, I said I would give it a go as I have tried everything else thus far. I did not expect to see such wonderful changes from the first few sessions. I am still boggled that I can't feel the negative emotions anymore. I know that the trauma happened but I am free from it in my mind and body, for the first time in my life! I can't thank you enough for this.
Your sessions are powerful and deeply healing. I recommend anyone who is committed to heal their life to come to you and do the work with you because it will turn their life around quickly and in the best possible way. I know it happened to me and I owe it all to you."
"Thank you so much for your kindness and your guidance you had really make my day and I must say I had a genuine giggle when I finished the session that is still with me. You are radiant and very humble and I was very comfortable with you. "
"Cristina, I am so happy I found you! You saved my life."